
Our fundamental goal at MCGRP is to never forget we’re in the business of recruiting and placing people. Actual people.

Candidates are more than resumes and clients are more than monthly billings. We treat people as people. We’re honest with them. We meet them face to face instead of over email. We celebrate what makes each person and company unique and not just directing them to a website.



The greatest sign of respect is telling people the truth and not wasting their time.

Direct Contact

We learn more through a phone call and a handshake than we do through a long email.

The Intangibles

Discovering the imperceptible creates lasting relationships with candidates and clients.



In a large agency environment, whilst the senior management claim personal involvement in the recruitment process, there is no guarantee that the people you speak and meet initially will be involved in the project at all. Many national recruitment companies tender for business using Management, then assign junior and less experienced recruiters to do the actual work.

With MCGRP, you know exactly who you are working with, providing regular progress reports for each and every assignment together with feedback at your convenience.


Our Approach

Recruiting shouldn’t be transactional. It’s a long term partnership that’s measured by honest, mutual success. We deliver a realistic and personal point of contact throughout the entire process.

Everything we do reflects our deep understanding of the recruitment process and the critical importance of each placement for both our clients and the individuals they hire.

Any recruitment campaign we run comes down to making sure our approach whether contingent or retained is detailed and thorough to meet your specific needs. We identify the best possible talent we can find globally and present you with a pre screened shortlist matching those key drivers.

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Service Offering

What we hear over and over from potential clients is, “What I really want is someone who will truly listen to my needs”. While that may sound simple, truly listening can be difficult to do if all you’re interested in is checking the box and completing the transaction.

AT MCGRP we want to know more than simply what the job entails. As such, we work tirelessly to become a logical, accessible, and complementary partner to you and to your organization. We do our own in-depth research and work closely with you to understand your strategic, cultural and long term business objectives in order to find you the right individuals to compliment the existing team.


Executive Search Process

Senior & Executive recruiting is the foundation of our business. At MCGRP we identify and secure exceptional talent for our clients both locally and on a global scale.

Establishing the right leadership culture starts with engaging the right leaders in your business. It continues with cultivating a strong succession plan and an on-going assessment of leadership in this ever challenging working environment.

We build our search processes around our clients in a way that ensures a deep insight of their cultures, and a thorough understanding of their short and longterm objectives. MCGRP engages with its clients throughout an assignment to ensure the alignment and exceptional delivery of key objectives in a smooth and transparent process.